
Thiruvalluvar, or Valluvar, was a well-known Tamil poet and philosopher. He is best known for writing the Thirukkua, a collection of couplets about ethics, politics, economics, and love. The text is regarded as the greatest work of Tamil literature and one of the most important works on ethics and morality. Much of what is known about Valluvar is based on legend, and little is known for certain about his family background, religious affiliation, or birthplace. Based on traditional accounts and linguistic analyses of his writings, he is thought to have lived in Madurai and later in the town of Mylapore (a neighbourhood of present-day Chennai). Valluvar has literally influenced every scholar since his time in the ethical, social, political, economic, religious, philosophical, and spiritual spheres. Because the Tamils' life, culture, and ethics are thought to be solely defined by the values set forth in Kural literature, both the government and the people of Tamil land hold Valluvar and his work in the highest regard. He is known by several honorific titles, including Saint, First Poet, and Divine Poet, Brahma, and Great Scholar. Other names includes Valluvar, Mudharpaavalar,Deivappulavar, Maadhaanupangi, Naanmuganaar, Naayanaar, Poyyirpulavar, Dhevar, Perunaavalar.

About thirukural:

The Tirukkural (means 'sacred verses'), also known as the Kural, is a classic Tamil language text composed of 1,330 short couplets, or kurals, of seven words each. The text is divided into three books, each of which contains aphoristic teachings on virtue (aram), wealth (porul), and love (inbam). It is regarded as one of the greatest works on ethics and morality ever written, and is known for its universality and secular nature. It is traditionally attributed to Valluvar, also known as Thiruvalluvar in full. The text has been dated from 300 BCE to the 5th century CE. According to traditional accounts, it was the final work of the third Sangam, but linguistic analysis suggests that it was composed after the Sangam period, between 450 and 500 CE.

Introduction of porutpal:

In Arathupal of Thirukkural, Valluvar was a great enunciator of morals; In Inbathupal, he has become a poet and in Porutpal, he is known to be a political philosopher.

In Arathupal of Thirukkural, Valluvar was a great enunciator of morals; In Inbathupal, he has become a poet and in Porutpal, he is known to be a political philosopher. The political philosophy of Thiruvalluvar is applicable across times even today.

Porutpal consists of 7 parts, further it has 70 verses / couplets. They are Politics-25, Ministry-10, Defence-2, Wealth-1, Army-2, Friendship-17, and citizens-13 respectively.

“An army, people, wealth, a minister, friends, fort; six things Who owns them all, a lion lives amid the kings” (Kural: 381)

Thus, in porutpal, at the first verse itself Valluvar differentiated the six categories essential for a state. Thus, different parts of government are ministry, army, wealth, people, friendship and citizens, which determines the rule of a king. Moreover, these components are categorised for king in a separate way, thus contributing a lot of ideas regarding administration of a state and assets for a king

English thirukural and it’s explanations:

English Couplet 781:

What so hard for men to gain as friendship true?

What so sure defence against all that foe can do?.

Couplet Explanation:

A GOOD FRIENDSHIP is one of the hardest things to earn in life. It becomes an impregnable fortress for the rest of our lives after it has been gained.

What other things are as hard to come by as friendship? What kinds of defences are there that are so difficult to overcome even with the best efforts (of one's adversaries)?

English couplet 782:

Friendship with men fulfilled of good Waxes like the crescent moon;

Friendship with men of foolish mood, Like the full orb, wanes soon.

Couplet Explanation 

wise man’s friendship is like a new moon which guides us in a good direction and makes us also wise, but a foolish man’s friendship is like a full moon which soon fades and the friendship doesn’t last long .

English Couplet 783:

Learned scroll the more you ponder, Sweeter grows the mental food;

So the heart by use grows fonder, Bound in friendship with the good.

Couplet Explanation:

when we read a book, we gain knowledge from it, become wise and feel happy, as same as it when we have friendship with a good person we feel happy whenever we talk to them and we also grow with them.

English Couplet 784:

Nor for laughter only friendship all the pleasant day,

But for strokes of sharp reproving, when from right you stray.

Couplet Explanation:

Friendship is to be practised not for the purpose of laughing but for that of being beforehand in giving one another sharp rebukes in case of transgression.

English Couplet 785:

Not association constant, not affection's token bind;

'Tis the unison of feeling friends unites of kindred mind.

Couplet Explanation:

Living together and holding frequent intercourse are not necessary (for friendship); (mutual) understanding can alone create a claim for it.

English Couplet 786:

Not the face's smile of welcome shows the friend sincere,

But the heart's rejoicing gladness when the friend is near.

couplet Explanation:

The love that dwells (merely in the smiles of the face is not friendship; (but) that which dwells deep in the smiles of the heart is true friendship.

English Couplet 787:

Friendship from ruin saves, in way of virtue keeps;

In troublous time, it weeps with him who weeps.

Couplet Explanation:

(True) friendship turns aside from evil (ways) makes (him) walk in the (good) way, and, in case of loss if shares his sorrow (with him).

English Couplet 788:

As hand of him whose vesture slips away,

Friendship at once the coming grief will stay.

Couplet Explanation:

(True) friendship hastens to the rescue of the afflicted (as readily) as the hand of one whose garment is loosened (before an assembly).

English Couplet 789:

And where is friendship's royal seat? In stable mind,

Where friend in every time of need support may find.

Couplet Explanation:

Friendship may be said to be on its throne when it possesses the power of supporting one at all times and under all circumstances, (in the practice or virtue and wealth).

English Couplet 790:

Mean is the friendship that men blazon forth,

'He's thus to me' and 'such to him my worth'.

Couplet Explanation:

Though friends may praise one another saying, "He is so intimate with us, and we so much (with him)"; (still) such friendship will appear mean.


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